Most Indian cuisine are related by the similar usage of spices and the use of a greater variety of vegetables than many other cuisine.

The spectrum of Indian cuisine can be said to lie between two dietary extremes: vegetarianism and meat-eating.

Religious and caste restrictions, weather, geography and the impact of foreigners have affected the eating habits of Indians.

Indian Fast Food

Indian fast foods are snacks popular in India. These foods are spicy and are usually fried. In most cities, the food is sold on the foothpath and are the best prepared foods. Usually these foods are inexpensive.
Because of popularity and taste of these foods they have big demand in 5 star restaurants also.

Here are some popular Indian fast foods recepies ...

Vada pav is a popular vegetarian fast food dish native to the Indian state of Maharastra.
It consists of a batata vada sandwiched between two slices of a pav
Ingrediants :
• 4 Boiled Potatoes • 2 Cups besan • 2 Garlic flakes • 1 Ginger• 2 Chopped onions• 1 tsp Cumin seeds • 1 tsp Turmeric powder
• 1 Cup coriander• Salt to taste • Oil for deep frying
• 5 Pav

How to make Vada Pav:
•    Add turmeric powder, salt to dgdgbesan and make a mixture.
•    Add water to the mixture and make batter of medium consistency.
•    Peel the potatoes and mash it by hand.
•    Make a paste of garlic and ginger.
•    Add garlic ginger paste,coriander to mashed potato.
•    Make small balls of mashed potato mixture.
•    Heat the oil.
•    Dip each ball in the batter and fry the balls till they turn golden brown.
•    Split the pav keeping the base intact.
•    Place the vada into it.
•    Vada Paav is ready.

Pav Bhaji

• 2 Large potatoes
• 1/2 Cup boiled green peas
• 1/2 Capsicums
• 2 Large chopped onions • 1 Large chopped tomato
• 2 tbsps garlic • 5 tbsps butter • Salt to taste • 4 Paavs

 How to make Paav Bhaji:
•    Cut all the vegetables into small pieces.
•    Fry onions in melted butter.
•    Add vegetables and garlic and mix it well.
•    Cook it till it turns tender.
•    Add butter and cook it for 5 minutes.
•    Place the Paavs on heated tawa and add spread butter on it.
•    Cook it till it turns brown.
•    Hot Pao Bhaji is ready.

Onion Dosa :
It is a typical dish in South Indian cuisine, eaten for breakfast or dinner, and is rich in carbohydrates and protein. It is generally believed that dosa had its roots in the Temple Streets of Udupi, Karnataka


• 2 cups Rice • 1 cup Urad Dal  • 1 tbsp Cooking Oil
• ¼ tsp Jeera Powder • 2 large Onions (chopped)
• 5 Green Chillies (chopped)
• 4 twigs Coriander Leaves (chopped)

How to make Onion Dosa:
•    Soak urad dal and rice in cold water separately, preferably overnight.
•    Grind the soaked dal and rice to make a smooth paste. Add salt to this paste and mix well until it becomes a batter of semi-liquid consistency. Allow it to ferment for at least 3 hours.
•    In the meanwhile, mix the chopped onions, green chilies and coriander leaves with salt and cumin powder in a bowl. Keep it aside.
•    Now heat a flat pan on high flame. Apply little oil to the heated pan and then carefully pour a tbsp of batter onto the pan and immediately spread it evenly in a circular shape.
•    Add a little oil to it and spread about 2 tsp of the onions-chilli-coriander-cumin and salt mixture on the uncooked side and wait for a few seconds.
•    Turn over the dosa and again apply some oil to cook the other side.
•    Onion Dosa is ready to eat. Serve hot with coconut chutney.