Most Indian cuisine are related by the similar usage of spices and the use of a greater variety of vegetables than many other cuisine.

The spectrum of Indian cuisine can be said to lie between two dietary extremes: vegetarianism and meat-eating.

Religious and caste restrictions, weather, geography and the impact of foreigners have affected the eating habits of Indians.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Looking fit and smart is desired by everyone today. Besides exercising one must check ones diet to lose weight. One must not deprive oneself of food. So here we have assembled low-cal recipies for you to try. Happy dieting!

2 cups Besan 1 large finely chopped Onion 1 finely chopped Green Chilli 1 bunch leaves finely chopped Coriander 1 tsp Ajwain 1 tsp Black Pepper Powder 1/2 tsp Red Chilli Powder 1 tsp Chat Masala 1 tsp Coriander Powder1- 1 1/2 cup water to make batter Oil for cooking Salt to taste
How to make besan ka cheela:
Put all the ingredients except water in a big bowl.
Now start adding small quantities of water to make a smooth batter, so that there should be no lumps in it.
Add water till it comes to a dropping consistency or just like dosa batter. now keep it aside.
Now heat a non-stick- tawa or heavy bottom frying pan, then turn the heat on medium. put little oil on tawa [1tsp.] & spread 1 serving spoonful of batter evenly on it.
Cover it with lid just for a minute so that it should cook inside also. then remove lid, put some more oil on the top & turn it upside down.
Let it be brown & crispy from both sides.
Repeat the same with rest of the batter.
Serve hot with green chutney or sause. it can be taken with toast also.

2 cups Poha (Beaten Rice)1 Potatoes1 Onions2 Green Chillies1 tsp Chana dal1 tsp Urad dal1/4 tsp Mustard Seeds1 sprig Curry leaves2 tsp Peanuts4 tblsp Oil1 pinch Turmeric powder1 LemonFew Corainder leavesSalt to taste
How to make aloo poha :
Soak the poha in water. Wash and drain all the water.
Add some salt , turmeric powder , keep aside.
Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes, chop the onions, chillies, corainder leaves.
Heat oil and put chana dal, urad dal, mustard seeds, peanuts, curry leaves and fry until they crackle.
Add potatoes , saute for few minutes, then add chopped onions, chillies.
Cook till they are done. Add the poha, corainder leaves and stir.
Keep it on slow flame for 5- 7 minutes.
Let it cool for sometime and add then lemon juice.

1 cup Rava / Sooji (Semolina) 25 gms fried Cashew Nuts (optional)1 inch Ginger chopped 1 chopped Onion3 Green Chillies slit sideways1 Potato chopped1 Capsicum chopped1 Carrot chopped1/4 cup Green Peas frozen or fresh 1 tsp Mustard Seeds1 tsp Urad Daal1 tsp Channa DaalSalt to taste1/2 tsp Turmeric PowderChili powder to taste (optional)2 tblsp OilFew curry leavesFinely chopped corianderleaves1 tblsp Ghee Lemon juice to taste
How to make rava uppma:
Sift rava through a muslin / cheese cloth or very fine sieve.
Heat 1tbsp. pure ghee / unsalted butter and fry rava ,on a moderate heat, stiring constantly to light brown color and set aside.
Now heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan and add mustard seeds and allow them to splatter.
Add the daals : channa & urad & curry leaves to it and fry till they turn red.
Add onion, ginger and green chilies. Sauté for 2-3 minutes.
Add all the vegetables, turmeric & chili powder, and salt to taste.
Now add 3 cups of water and cover the pan and allow it simmer on low heat until the vegetables are done.
Add the fried rava to it stirring constantly till it becomes little thick.
Take off from the heat and lemon juice if desired.
Serve hot garnished with cashews and coriander.

1 cup Semolina (Suji)1 cup fresh Curd 1 tsp Fruit Salt (Eno) 1 cup finely chopped Cabbage1 chopped Onion2 tblsp chopped CorianderA few curry leaves 2 to 3 finely chopped Green Chilies Salt to taste
How to make suji idli:
Roast the suji in pan withour oil till it changes it color to light pink on low flame.
Keep it aside.
When it gets cool, in a bowl take the curd and add semolina evenly.
Then add the fruit salt and the remaining ingredients.
In a pressure cooker put some water to boil.
Now put 1 spoonful of this batter in the idli maker slots.
Place this idli maker in the cooker and let it steam for 10 minutes.
Take it out and serve hot with green chutney.

1 packet Noodles2 Onion (Pyaj) 3 - 4 chopped Tomato (Tamatar) 4 tsp chopped Coriander Leaves (Dhania Patta) 1 " chopped Ginger (Adrak) 3 - 4 flakes chopped Garlic (Lasun) 4 5 chopped Green chilli (Hari mirch) 1/2 tsp Red chili pepper (Lal Mirchi) 1/2 tsp Garam Masala Powder1 tblsp Oil
How to make masala noodles:
Boil the noodles as directed on the pack.
Drain them in a strainer and wash with cold water. Keep aside.
Heat oil in a nonstick pan and fry garlic, ginger, green chillies and onions until they are golden.
Add tomatoes along with salt and masala.
Cook till tomatoes are tender.
Add the noodles and stir well.
Cook for a while and remove the fire and serve immediately.

1 cup chopped Mixed Boiled Vegetables (French beans,carrots,cauliflower,Green peas) 2 chopped Onions 4 tblsp chopped Capsicum 1 chopped Tomatoes ½ - 1 tsp Chili PowderA pinch Garam Masala 2 tblsp chopped Coriander 4 tblsp grated Paneer1-1/2 cup tomato gravy 4 teaspoons oil Salt to taste
How to make baked vegetable jalfrazie:
Heat the oil and fry the onions for ½ minute.
Add the capsicum and tomatoes and fry again for 2 minutes.
Add the vegetables, chilli powder, garam masala, coriander and salt and cook for a few minutes.
Spread the tomato gravy on top and sprinkle a little grated paneer over it.
Bake in a hot oven at 200c for 10 minutes.

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